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Discover our Seminary


Nurture the development of the French-speaking evangelical movement through a theological training of excellence

Located near Paris, the Seminary of Evangelical Theology (FLTE) is a private institution of higher education that passionately trains Church and Mission leaders.


Bible based

In line with the heritage of the Protestant Reformation and anchored in evangelical convictions, the FLTE receives the Bible as the Word of God and revelation of Jesus Christ, and places it at the heart of its training program.

Along the way, our students acquire the necessary tools to study it in depth and teach others.

Academic excellence

The FLTE offers university-level training. Our professors, specialized in their discipline, are actively involved in research.

Our project is to encourage and nurture a high-class evangelical theological reflection.


Since its origins, the FLTE has been at the service of all the Churches. Its teachers and students come from the diversity of the evangelical movement.

Our community of spiritual life offers a safe space for debate and dialogue, which is essential factor for theological training.

A history, a heritage

From left to right : Jacques Blocher, André Thobois, John Winston, David Barnes, René Pache, Jules-Marcel Nicole, Samuel Bénétreau

In 1965, the four main French-speaking Biblical Institutes decided to establish, with the Association of Professing Churches, a university level theological training center: the FLTE was created in Vaux-sur-Seine, located some 40 km west of Paris.

The building of the campus in the 1970s made it possible to offer students, sometimes from very far away, accommodation on site. The research library and new classrooms followed, in order to meet the growth of students. Beyond the buildings, the training offer has also diversified over the years, in particular with a complete on-the-job and distance training offer. In the 2010s, the teaching staff grew and became richer, most notably with the creation of new full-time positions.

Since its creation, the impact of the FLTE on the French-speaking evangelical world has been significant, both in Europe, in Africa and Canada. Since 1965, nearly 1,300 students have been trained at our Seminary ! The quality of the theological reflection it has brought and the influence of the ministry of those it has helped to train have made it a reference seminary in the service of the Church and the mission.

Project 2015-2025

The French-speaking Evangelical world needs a suitable place of study for the training of its leaders and for the work of its scholars. Furthermore, in its relationship to the academic world, French-speaking Evangelical theology counts FLTE as one of its main places of reference. In order to face the challenges of the next decades, FLTE aims to remain a center of theological excellence at university level for the French-speaking communities and envisages four areas of development.

4 areas of development


  • In order to meet the needs created by church growth, by planting of new churches and by the dynamism of evangelical organizations and missions in French-speaking Europe (France, Switzerland, Belgium). 
  • In order to meet the the training needs for Christian leaders in French-speaking North African countries (Algeria, Tunisia…). 
  • In order to meet the training needs at the Masters and PhD level for French-speaking African students.


To take into consideration the new kinds of ministries and the diversification of the profile of the students

  • Bachelors, Masters and PhD in Theology and Exegesis, and in Religious Studies. 
  • Master in Missiology and Church planting since 2015. 
  • Bachelors in Evangelism and Church planting since September 2017.


  • Intensive Training: degree-level training for people already in work. 
  • E-learning program in addition to classical distance-learning courses. 
  • Introductory courses: summer schools, distance-training courses, decentralized courses.


  • Creation of a study and research library in the service of the theologians of French-speaking countries. 
  • Development of the Research Masters degree and PhD, not only in classical theological disciplines (systematics, exegesis, Church history, ethics…) but also in missiology (missions, evangelism, Church planting). 
  • Development of international partnerships: accommodating foreign researchers 
  • Continuation of publications: Théologie Evangélique and Edifac. 
  • Opening an archive center for French evangelicalism.



  • From 4 full-time professors to 6 full-time professors, 
    • Recruite a person in charge of pastoral care and of careers advice for the students. 


  • Residential training (bachelor, master, doctorate): a 5 years program
  • On-the-job training: a 6 years training for leader who are already in the field
  • Continuing education  
  • Distance learning or e-learning


As the main theology library of a French-speaking evangelical institution, the FLTE library must fulfill the different requirements imposed on university libraries and the requirements of the accreditation of evangelical institutions.

FLTE will be equipped with a new library, designed as a place for study and theological research, to be a learning resource for current and future evangelical leaders and to encourage theological thinking in accordance with evangelical faith.  The FLTE new library project has a dual purpose: university library with all the tools needed for students’ training, and research library with a suitable environment of books and reviews necessary for advanced research. 

Size of the project :

  • The new library aims for 25 000 books in free access excluding reserve and archives. 
  • Three independent work spaces will be accessible for group work. 
  • The library building has a size of 600 m² over two levels including the offices and classrooms.


  • Improvement of the accommodation: renovation of the bedrooms in the hall of residence, construction of studio-apartments to welcome couples and visitors 
  • Remodeling of classrooms (creation of group-work classrooms and of new classrooms), of administrative offices (renovation, creation of pastoral care rooms), and of professors’ offices (an office for each professor for the mentoring and follow-up of students). 


  • Reflection and communication about vocation in collaboration with churches and denominations. 
  • Communication for young people: videos, presence on the social networks, discovery days, partnership with French University Christian Union and International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, introductory theology courses.


If you would like to support the FLTE’s project to enable us to train leaders for the church and for the mission you can give in the following ways:

Giving from the United States

FLTE is an Impact France partner. Impact France is a 501(c)(3) US-based public charity. 

As such, all gifts to Impact France are fully tax-deductible of the law.

Online donations:

Donations by post: 1100 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30309

Memo: “FLTE project”

Impact France is also able to receive gifts of stocks or other assets. 

For more information on this or any other question regarding how to support the FLTE from the United States, please contact Impact France +1 770-695-7690

Giving from the United Kingdom

The FLTE is working in partnership with France Mission, a registered charity that supports evangelical churches and institutions in France and that can receive gift-aided donations.

For information on the various ways in which you can give to FLTE via France Mission, see

Please specify that the gift is for the FLTE project.

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